In-Sync Child Program (webinar series)

In-Sync Child Program (webinar series)
Category: Educational Products

by In-Sync Child

Joye Newman and Carol Kranowitz offer an in-depth look at their innovative In-Sync Child Method and share engaging, easy-to-implement movement experiences that will develop and enhance your children's physical, emotional, academic, and overall success.

2021 Media of the Year
Developmental Online Webinar

4 Review Event Comments.

Excellent webinar program! It really has some great ideas for movement activities. I highly recommend it!
Excellent webinar program! It really has some great ideas for movement activities. I highly recommend it!
Definitely check out this webinar series. It is easy to follow and I love the activities that they offer in helping sensory, perceptual-motor and vision development.
The In-Sync Method developed by Joye Newman and Carol Kranowitz is amazing! This multi-part fundamental webinar series is the most comprehensive program I have ever seen in the area of sensory, perpetual-motor, and visual foundations of early childhood development.
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