SWCP Jumbo Paint Brushes

SWCP Jumbo Paint Brushes
Category: Indoor & Outdoor Play

by RoseArt

SRP $5.99 Age: 3+Retailer: Toys R Us, Michael's, Shopko, Fred Meyer, Meijer, Amazon Features: 3 Jumbo Brushes with 3 primary colors Benefits: Easy to use, Easy cleanup, Certified non-toxic


2017 Seal of Excellence (Creative Child Awards Program)
Outdoor Play

3 Review Event Comments.

I like the bright colors and that they are BIG! Easy for kids to handle.
What a fun idea to turn sidewalk chalk into paint I want to play this with my kiddos
Love the idea of the brushes, I love a product that encourages creativity,
Other products by RoseArt
by RoseArt