Discover the eco-friendly Tranquil Whale™, reimagined! Now with 4 soothing melodies and an intelligent Cry Sensor, it can create an even more serene atmosphere.
It has an excellent design and I really love the quality. It would make a great gift.
The baby whale rattle that accompanies the Tranquil Whale is so adorable. I found it very easy to operate and best of works! I tried it out on my little one and it definitely calmed him for a more soothing nights sleep.
I really loved the soothing melodies and the intelligent Cry Sensor is amazing! I wish I had this when my son was little. It's wonderful!
This is such a wonderful product that really does help soothe your child. It creates such a beautiful display and it's so relaxing. I highly recommend this product!
4 Review Event Comments.