Language Together Set 2

Language Together Set 2
Category: Educational Products

by Germaine Choe

Language Together Set 2 is an award-winning, confidence-building set of first readers for children ages 3 to 8 who are beginning to learn a new language. Developed with teachers, the Spot Color Immersion Method combines picture cues, simple sentences, humor, repetition and a story-based approach. Set 2 continues to build vocabulary and pre-reading skills. Themes include: Food, Verbs, Tableware, Art supplies, Feelings, Nature, Jobs, Furniture, Bedtime, and a Surprise delivery. Winner of the Brain Child Award, Academics Choice Award, and Moms Choice Award.

2020 Kid's Product of the Year
Educational Foreign Language Products

3 Review Event Comments.

As a bi-lingual mom I could see how this would be very helpful for young kids trying to learn a second or even third language. It makes it simple and exciting.
Once your child is ready they can move from set 1 to set 2 and learn even more words and how to form more complex sentences, a great way for kids to learn something new.
I love that this is the next step up following the first set. It continues to build new vocabulary and even more skill.
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by Germaine Choe