Baby Clemmy Set of 48 Soft Blocks

Baby Clemmy Set of 48 Soft Blocks
Category: Baby & Toddler Toys

by Creative Toy Company

The transparent sack contains 48 colorful Baby Clemmy bricks, designed to let children, aged 6-18 months, play safely.

2017 Toy of the Year (Baby Maternity Awards)
Baby Block Toys

2017 Creative Play of the Year
Creative Play

4 Review Event Comments.

Blocks are soft for a different texture........
So cute! It's cool that baby can put these together even if they aren't exactly lined it. I think my one year old son would love this product!
So many blocks, colors, soft blocks and they're washable. This is a great product!
Love this!!! My 11 month old daughter would LOVE to play with this! Colorful, fun, safe. And washable!!!!
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