Gelli Arts® Student Printing Plate Kit

Gelli Arts® Student Printing Plate Kit
Category: Creative Crafts for Kids

by Gelli Arts

Easy, fun Monoprinting - 3 steps to beautiful prints! No-fuss set up and easy clean-up! GELLI ARTS® Student Kit includes: -a 5"square printing plate (durable and reusable) -one 4" roller -two - 5"square geometric stencils

2016 Toy of the Year (Baby Maternity Awards)
Creative Printing Crafts

2016 Creative Play of the Year
Creative Craft Kits

4 Review Event Comments.

Really cool art medium that kids might not get to learn with out this kit. Very awesome.
Seems like a great product to help children relax and practice creativity
Super creative way to paint. Endless creative play with this item.
Something every parent needs