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Doggone Crazy!

Doggone Crazy! is a company dedicated to child safety around dogs. The Doggone Crazy! principals Joan Orr and Teresa Lewin have won numerous awards and are well-respected experts in the fields of dog training, interpreting canine body language and dog bite prevention. Nearly half of all households have a dog, and most kids love dogs, although some are afraid of them. It is the goal of Doggone Crazy! to increase children's understanding of dogs with its fun and educational products. Half of all children will be bitten by a dog by age 12, mostly preventable by increasing awareness on the part of parents and kids of the warning signs that dogs send. Children empowered with the knowledge to understand how dogs are communicating with their body language are more likely to interact appropriately with dogs thereby lessening the chance of a bite. Children with a fear of dogs are less fearful when they know how to tell if a dog is happy or not. The Doggone Crazy! products are unique in the marketplace with their kid friendly focus on learning about dogs in a fun and interactive way using photos and videos of real dogs, not drawings or cartoons.