Eric Ode - Rock Nocturnal CD

Eric Ode - Rock Nocturnal CD
Category: CDs

by Deep Rooted Music, LLC

This album is a rockin' celebration of dirt diggers and nighttime critters.

2015 CD of the Year
Toddler Music CDs

2 Review Event Comments.

A fun-ky educational cd for kids. Kids learn amazing facts and retain them if put to music. Parents appreciate thoughtfulness in song content and use of more adult-like instruments. I like the diversity in the tracks. I would introduce these tracks to preschoolers thru early education! - JE
This is a super fun and family friendly way to introduce music to kids that they can dance to. I love how this is more upbeat that the traditional baby/toddler music we are accustomed to. This would be great for a little one who has some energy to dance off! Very fun. -SB