Making Me: The Pregnancy Activity Book for My Big Brother or Sister

Making Me: The Pregnancy Activity Book for My Big Brother or Sister
Category: Books for Kids or Parents

by Motherly Way Enterprises, Inc.

This educational & entertaining book allows your older child to experience your pregnancy right along with you. Written from baby's point of view! Promotes bonding with an interactive, day-by-day countdown format. Ages 4-12

4 Review Event Comments.

I is very well organized. Helps to keep you on track for the memories. Great idea. cp
A very unique product. Great for involving siblings with the pregnancy. Tons of cute activities that will be a great keepsake for years to come.
I like that this book involves the other siblings in the pregnancy and teaches them about the baby. I would love this at my doctors appointments to give my kids something to do while we wait too! Great idea!
very interesting!!! Great product ...